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ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Meet the Shannon Awardee
Shannon Award

ISIT 2024, Athens, Greece
Meet the Shannon Awardee
ISIT EventShannon Award

Information Theory Society presents a brief history of internet communication and packet switched networks leading to the idea of network coding.…
Network Coding

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial

Winner of the ISIT 2021 Student Video Contest
Students: Alexandra Veliche and Shubhransh Singhvihttps://2021.ieee-isit.org/Challenge.asp
Folded CodesStreaming CodesCoding Theory

Winner of the ISIT 2021 Student Video Contest
Students: Mohammad Ishtiyaq Qureshi and Olusola Odeyomihttps://2021.ieee-isit.org/Challenge.asp

Information Theory Society presents how the Lempel-Ziv lossless compression algorithm works. It was published in 1978  and improved by Welch in 1984…
Source CodingCoding Theory

What motivated the concept of Markov chains & Markov models? Featuring Plato's theory of forms, Jacob Bernoulli's weak law of large numbers and…

Morse Code Simulator: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/appl...​

Claude Shannon demonstrated how to generate "english looking" text using Markov chains and how this gives a satisfactory representation of the…

How can we quantify/measure an information source? We introduce the ideas of Nyquist & Hartley using a simple game involving yes/no questions. It…

Information Theory Society presents the key concepts needed to understand low-density parity-check codes (LDPC codes). It's a blend of repetition…
LDPC CodesCoding Theory

The key insights behind content and collaborative filtering (Matrix Factorization). How Amazon, Netflix, Facebook and others predict what you will…
Recommender SystemsApplications

The Â鶹´«Ã½AV Information Theory Society presents an overview of Adi Shamir's 1979 paper on secret sharing. This is part of our series on the greatest…

2021 Shannon Lecture
Alon Orlitsky
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
ISIT Plenary LecturePlenary LectureShannon Lectures

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaPlenary Lecture
ISIT Plenary LecturePlenary Lecture

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaPlenary Lecture
ISIT Plenary LecturePlenary LectureBroadcast Channels

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial

Winner of the ISIT 2021 Student Video Contest
Students: Yuxin Liu and Sarah Bahanshalhttps://2021.ieee-isit.org/Challenge.asp
LDPC CodesPolar Codes

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaPlenary Lecture
ISIT Plenary LecturePlenary Lecture

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial