
Submitted by admin on Wed, 10/23/2024 - 01:52
In this paper, we study the computation of the rate-distortion-perception function (RDPF) for a multivariate Gaussian source assuming jointly Gaussian reconstruction under mean squared error (MSE) distortion and, respectively, Kullback–Leibler divergence, geometric Jensen-Shannon divergence, squared Hellinger distance, and squared Wasserstein-2 distance perception metrics. To this end, we first characterize the analytical bounds of the scalar Gaussian RDPF for the aforementioned divergence functions, also providing the RDPF-achieving forward “test-channel” realization. Focusing on the multivariate case, assuming jointly Gaussian reconstruction and tensorizable distortion and perception metrics, we establish that the optimal solution resides on the vector space spanned by the eigenvector of the source covariance matrix. Consequently, the multivariate optimization problem can be expressed as a function of the scalar Gaussian RDPFs of the source marginals, constrained by global distortion and perception levels. Leveraging this characterization, we design an alternating minimization scheme based on the block nonlinear Gauss–Seidel method, which optimally solves the problem while identifying the Gaussian RDPF-achieving realization. Furthermore, the associated algorithmic embodiment is provided, as well as the convergence and the rate of convergence characterization. Lastly, for the “perfect realism” regime, the analytical solution for the multivariate Gaussian RDPF is obtained. We corroborate our results with numerical simulations and draw connections to existing results.
Giuseppe Serra
Photios A. Stavrou
Marios Kountouris