Lecture slides are now online
May 30, 2017
The slides of the different lectures of the 2017 European School of Information Theory   are now available in the lectures section  of the website:
Spatially coupled LDPC codes: from theory to practice
Daniel J. Costello, Jr. (University of Notre Dame) -
Channel reliability: from ordinary to zero-error capacity
Marco Dalai (University of Brescia) -
Fundamental limits in asynchronous communication
Aslan Tchamkerten (Telecom ParisTech) -
Information-theoretic signal processing
Ram Zamir (Tel Aviv University)
Degrees-of-freedom robust transmission for the K-user distributed broadcast channel
Paul de Kerret (Eurecom) -
Asymptotics of the error probability in quasi-static channels
Josep Font–Segura (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) -
Coded random access: using coding theory to build random access protocols
Enrico Paolini (University of Bologna)