
Open PhD-student and postdoc positions in Advanced Communications and Distributed Computing at EURECOM (English Speaking Grad School in the French Riviera)

PhD-student positions (\approx 3 years) and Postdoc positions (1-5 years) available for research in Wireless Communications, Information Theory, Edge and Distributed Computing, Caching. EURECOM is located in the French Riviera's silicon valley and is an English speaking Graduate school.
To apply, please email complete CV to Petros Elia: petros.elia[at]eurecom.fr (http://www.eurecom.fr/~elia/)
indicating "ERC DUALITY position鈥 in the e-mail subject line.
Deadline for applications: April 2019.
Advantages include competitive salary and strong social benefits, and extra funding to promote collaboration with top universities in the US and Europe.