
ITW 2022 Call for Tutorials/Paper Submission
The 2022 Information Theory Workshop seeks proposals for 2.5 hour tutorials. Paper submission deadline has been extended to 13th of May.
May 5, 2022

ITW 2022 Call for Tutorials

The 2022 Information Theory Workshop seeks proposals for 2.5 hour tutorials. The organizer(s) will be expected to showcase an area of interest within the scope of the workshop. In light of the fact that ITW 2022 will have a significant virtual component, tutorial organizers are encouraged to also plan activities to engage both speakers and audience members in virtual settings. The organizer(s) should submit a short (1-2 page) rationale with the title of the theme, an abstract outlining the importance and timeliness for the theme chosen, and a plan of activities intended to encourage active participation in the session in a hybrid and/or fully virtual setting. The submission deadline for tutorial proposals is the 27th of May. Please submit your proposal via email to: [email protected]


ITW 2022 Paper Submission

ITW 2022 is currently scheduled to be held in hybrid format, with the online component to be held on November 1-2, 2022, and the in-person event to be held in Mumbai during November 6-9, 2022. The paper submission deadline has been extended to the 13th of May, and is now open on EDAS.

The conference will welcome original contributions in all areas of information theory and coding. Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 5 pages, plus one optional extra page for references only.


Plenary Speakers

We are delighted to announce that ITW 2022 will welcome four extraordinary plenary speakers:

  • Cynthia Dwork (Harvard University, USA)

  • Tara Javidi (University of California, San Diego, USA)

  • Muriel Médard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

  • Balaji Sundar Rajan (Indian Institute of Science, India)