
Adding and editing officers

How to add and edit the officers list for your chapter

If you choose to have your site hosted through the ITSOC website, we will post a link from the  Society Chapters  page to your chapter's site so you can edit the chapter information directly here.  Note that to edit your chapter's website you will have to have write permissions for the chapter's webpage.

  1. Go to "add new" from the main page of your chapter's site and select a "peoplelist."  Give it a title such as "Officers" or "Members" (depending on what kind of list you want).  
  2. You can select the name of positions within your chapter -- the defaults are President, Vice President, and Treasurer, but you can retitle them as you wish.  If you want to also have a list of members you can create a position called "Member," for example.  Use the arrows to order the officers, e.g. by rank.  That will be the order that they show up on the list.
  3. If you edit any of the position titles or order, click on "update chairs."  Highlight the officer titles who can have write access to your chapter's site.  For example, you may make a position called "Webmaster" and then give them the access to write to the website.
  4. Click "save" to save the site.

This should create a tab on the top of your site for officers.  Click on that to start adding people to your site.  

  1. To add officers, click the "people" tab and then "Add Participant"
  2. All officers should be IT Society members or have an account on the IT Society website.  People can register to the site via  http://www.itsoc.org/createMember   Please note that it takes a day or two to get users registered, since the approval is done manually.
  3. Select start and end dates for the officer.  Their ability to edit the website lasts as long as they hold the position, so if someone is a chair indefinitely, make sure to give them an end date far enough in the future to prevent getting locked out of the site.  Once they leave the position you can edit their end date accordingly.  Choose a position and then select their name from the drop-down menu and then click Add.