

ArXiv is a public preprint server (partly funded by the NSF) which in the past decade has become the dominant method for distributing new papers in the physics community, and more recently in substantial parts of math and CS. It has been called the "physics model" for "open access" publication. Recently ArXiv has established an information theory category. In October 2004, the IT Board of Governors unanimously voted to encourage IT authors to post all of their preprints (both journal and conference) on ArXiv, to encourage rapid dissemination of new research. Here are a set of Frequently Asked Questions about ArXiV.

Q: What is ArXiv?

A:ArXiv is a public preprint server (at ) which was set up more than 10 years ago at Los Alamos to serve the physics community. It has since moved to Cornell, and has expanded tocover large parts of mathematics and computer science. ArXiv is partially funded by the NationalScience Foundation (NSF). The computer science part is also known as the Computing ResearchRepository (CoRR), and is sponsored in part by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).Recently a subcategory (cs.IT) has been set up to cover information theory, and a synonymousmath subcategory (math.IT) is planned. (There are no engineering categories currently on ArXiv.)

Q: What is the IT Society policy toward ArXiv?

A: At its October 2004 meeting, the Information Theory Society Board of Governors unanimously adopted a policy encouraging IT authors to post preprints only on ArXiv. The reportupon which this vote was based is attached .

Q: Why should I post my preprints on ArXiv?

A : In the communities in which it has been widely adopted, ArXiv serves as the primary mechanism for rapid and broad communication of new research results. All anecdotal evidenceindicates that it has been a tremendous stimulus to research and collaboration.

Q: When should I post my preprints on ArXiv?

A : Posting is entirely at the option of the author. However, authors often post preprints when they make a submission to a journal or to a conference, or when they would normally post themon their own Web page.

Q: How do I post my preprints on ArXiv?

A : There are clear instructions at or . The preferred format is LATEX. All material in the article, including figures and bibliography, must be included. If thearticle has been submitted to a journal or to a conference, then you should so indicate.

Q: Why ’t I submit a .pdf fil? I Dz’t want people looking at my L A TEX source.

A : ArXiv has adopted this policy so that they will be able to distribute material in all common present and future formats. You’ll have to clean up your LATEX source files.

Q: Can I update a posting?

A : Yes. However, the original posting remains, with a time stamp.

Q: What do I do when my article is published?

A : You should update your posting by adding the bibliographic reference to the published journal or conference paper and the Digital Ob ject Identifier (DOI) number. Clicking on the DOInumber takes readers directly to the appropriate page on 鶹ýAV Xplore (or other publisher’s Website), from which they can download the published article.

Q: Why not just update my posting with the published article?

A : The income of the IT Society is based in part on the number of downloads of IT Transactions articles from 鶹ýAV Xplore. The Society therefore wants members who have access to 鶹ýAV Xploreto download IT Transactions articles from that source. This policy attempts to balance the interestsof members in rapid and broad dissemination of research results with the financial health of the ITSociety.

Q: Is this policy OK with the 鶹ýAV?

A : For some time the 鶹ýAV has explicitly permitted authors to post preprints and 鶹ýAV- published articles on their own Web pages, or on institutional servers. However, the 鶹ýAV has notyet formulated a policy toward public preprint servers such as ArXiv. It appears that the IT Societyis the first 鶹ýAV society to address this issue. The IT Society has been in informal contact withthe 鶹ýAV 鶹ýAV Board, who are agreeable to seeing this policy go forward as an experiment.The 鶹ýAV may take the results of this experiment into account in formulating a future 鶹ýAV-widepolicy.

Q: How about copyright?

A : The author retains copyright to preprints posted on ArXiv. The 鶹ýAV retains copyright to 鶹ýAV-published articles.

Q: Is there any quality control on ArXiv?

A : It has not proved necessary so far to restrict access to ArXiv. Each subcategory has a moderator (Madhu Sudan for cs.IT, Joachim Rosenthal for math.IT), who has the power to deleteunsuitable postings. There is also a mechanism to register authors, which has not been implementedyet for the IT subcategories.

Q: How do I subscribe to ArXiv?

A : You may subscribe by sending an e-mail message to [email protected] with “sܲ [your name]” as the sub ject line and “add IT” as the text. You will then receive daily messages with allpostings to the IT subcategory. If the volume of IT articles becomes as substantial as we hope,then the moderators may create mailing lists for sub-subcategories.