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We found 21 result.

Plenary Talk
2022 North American School of Information Theory
UCLA, Los Angeles, August 16-19, 2022.
Database Graph Matching

15th Annual Shannon Memorial Lecture
Understanding Generative Adversarial Networks
David Tse
Stanford University
Generative Adversarial Networks

Plenary Talk
2022 North American School of Information Theory
UCLA, Los Angeles, August 16-19, 2022.
Database Graph Matching

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial

Winner of the ISIT 2021 Student Video Contest
Students: Alexandra Veliche and Shubhransh Singhvihttps://2021.ieee-isit.org/Challenge.asp
Folded CodesStreaming CodesCoding Theory

Winner of the ISIT 2021 Student Video Contest
Students: Mohammad Ishtiyaq Qureshi and Olusola Odeyomihttps://2021.ieee-isit.org/Challenge.asp

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Meet the Shannon Awardee
Shannon Award

2021 Shannon Lecture
Alon Orlitsky
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
ISIT Plenary LecturePlenary LectureShannon Lectures

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaPlenary Lecture
ISIT Plenary LecturePlenary Lecture

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaPlenary Lecture
ISIT Plenary LecturePlenary LectureBroadcast Channels

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial

Winner of the ISIT 2021 Student Video Contest
Students: Yuxin Liu and Sarah Bahanshalhttps://2021.ieee-isit.org/Challenge.asp
LDPC CodesPolar Codes

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaPlenary Lecture
ISIT Plenary LecturePlenary Lecture

ISIT 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaTutorial