
2014 ISIT Plenary Lecture
To Infinity and Beyond: New Frontiers in Wireless Information Theory
Andrea Goldsmith
Stanford University
Although wireless information theory has been declared dead many times over, the field today is thriving with abundant open problems of significant theoretical and practical importance. This talk will explore our recent results on wireless information theory that go towards infinity in the number of users, and back from infinity in other dimensions. In particular, we will describe our work on achievable rate regions for single-hop networks with any number of users, obtained through user virtualization followed by coding via a graphical Markov model. The resulting achievable rate regions meet or exceed all existing rate regions for any single-hop network, including those of interference channels, broadcast channels, and cognitive radio channels. Moving back from infinity, we examine the implications of finite delay, energy, feedback, and sampling with a particular focus on our results unveiling rate-distortion theory and channel capacity for sub-Nyquist sampled sources and channels. We end the talk describing additional dreams and challenges in wireless information theory, including the application of information-theoretic analysis tools to explore new frontiers in biology and neuroscience.