HOWTO: Upload Reports
Quick summary instructions for uploading reports into the BoG meeting folders.
- If you are not already logged in, login .
- If you forgot your password, reset it .
- If you do not have an account, register . Â You will need to contact an Officer or Online Editors to have permissions to add and edit files in this folder.
- Point your web browser directly or navigate to the relevant meeting within the BoG repository
- Select "Add new...", then "File" for a binary file (PDF, DOC, PPT) or "Page" for a text file. (Note: PDF or Text is preferable.)
- Fill in the form, keeping the title descriptive but short, and select your local file for uploading.
- Click on the "Save" button to save the report.
- Return to the relevant meeting Folder and select the "Edit" tab.
- Highlight your agenda item and add a link to it by clicking on the chain link button in the green toolbar in the visual editor
- Select your file from the list of recently added files, and the link will be created automatically.
- Click on the "Save" button to update the agenda.