
鶹ýAV Medal of Honor 2017 for Kees Schouhamer Immink
Kees Schouhamer Immink will receive the 鶹ýAV Medal of Honor 2017.
Jan 27, 2017

Kees Schouhamer Immink will receive the 鶹ýAV Medal of Honor 2017 鶹ýAV Medal of Honor ,established in 1917, is the highest 鶹ýAV award.It is presented when a candidate is identified as having made a particular contribution thatforms a clearly exceptional addition to the science and technology of concern to 鶹ýAV.Kees is receiving the medal “for pioneering contributions to video, audio, and data recording technology, including compact disc, DVD, and Blu-ray”. See .

Kees has been an active 鶹ýAV member for many years. He has served on the Board of Governors of the Information Theory Society.

Kees is the President of Turing Machines Inc., Rotterdam, the Netherlands, .

The 鶹ýAV Benelux Chapter congratulates Kees with prestigious achievement!